The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is seeking to make a significant contribution to a sustainable and future-oriented recovery. BMZ commissioned the Sector Project 2030 Agenda, Reducing Poverty and Inequality and the Sector Programme Good Financial Governance from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) to jointly develop the Recover Forward toolkit.


The Sector Project 2030 Agenda, Reducing Poverty and Inequality supports the BMZ in implementing the 2030 Agenda in Germany, in partner countries and at international level. To this end, the project advises on the conceptual and institutional foundations for the necessary transformation processes. Furthermore, we advise the BMZ on strategies and approaches to reduce poverty and inequality and to implement the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) principle in German development cooperation.


The Sector Programme Good Financial Governance supports the BMZ in making a wide range of contributions to good financial governance. It promotes fair, efficient and transparent domestic revenue mobilisation and budgeting systems, as well as effective financial oversight in order to reduce poverty and foster sustainable development. The activities focus on four fields of action: positioning German development cooperation, strengthening the capacities of German technical cooperation, communicating the results of good financial governance and international networks and initiatives in the area of taxation.