The Recover Forward toolkit was jointly developed by the Sector Project 2030 Agenda, Poverty and Inequality and the Sector Programme Good Financial Governance from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). The programmes are financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


The main aim of this toolkit is to provide development cooperation practitioners, policymakers and advisors with approaches, instruments, methods, and good practice examples for promoting Recover Forward as a future oriented development approach in partner countries.


How to use the toolkit?


The toolkit consists of a three main sections: Recover ForwardSustainable Development Governance and Fiscal Policy Approaches.


 While the Recover Forward section gives a general introduction into the narrative, the other main sections are each clustered in subtopics presenting relevant approaches, tools and good practice examples for a sustainable and action-oriented recovery. 

Alternatively you can use the Knowledge Bank to browse through all resources presented in the Recover Forward toolkit.
