Improving Data-Based Monitoring for SDGs in Ghana



SDG Monitoring and Alignment


Good Practice Examples

The government of Ghana incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the National Development Policy Framework to ensure that all of the policies are in line with the global efforts to eradicate poverty, hunger and to combat inequalities. To that end, quality, disaggregated, timely and reliable data is needed. However, reliable, disaggregated, accessible and comparable data often remains scarce, particularly at the district level.



In order to overcome this challenge, an innovative tool – the web-based District Development Data Platform (DDDP) – has been developed with support from the 2030 Implementation Initiative 2020. The tool serves as a data hub to track achievements and report on development efforts across districts, and shows national and district priority areas in easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and maps. Progress towards the SDGs can be monitored – in a way that is comparable between districts, inter-operable with existing systems and user-friendly. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, integrative data platforms such as the DDDP in Ghana, can help accelerate evidence-based policy making, thus contributing to faster and smarter recovery measures.