Recover Better Support Fund



Leave No One Behind, Multi-Level Engagement


Financing Instruments and Funds, Good Practice Examples


The Recover Better Support Fund is a new fund commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It supports efforts designed and implemented in partner countries to recover forward from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of building more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies while advancing the 2030 Agenda.


The funding line 1 “Sustainable Development Advisory Bodies” is specifically aimed at countries that do not yet have an officially recognised sustainability council, but where multi-stakeholder platform advisory bodies have the potential to strengthen the sustainability architecture. These will be strengthened to advise on sustainable development and Recover Forward concepts in policy formulation and implementation, at the sub-national or national level. The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) acts as an advisor to the fund and implements capacity development measures directed toward the grantees.


This funding line is also closely linked to the work of the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies, a network for and by national multi-stakeholder advisory bodies. It currently operates through the RNE as its secretariat and constitutes a forum that connects the knowledge and experience of diverse advisory bodies for sustainable development. In and across demand-driven working groups, the members discuss ideas, negotiation mechanisms and effective policy measures that can be transferred and tailored to local needs and demands. Grantees are invited to participate in the Global Forum to share their knowledge and experiences funded by the Recover Better Support Fund.