40 Fiscal Policy Approaches for Recover Forward
Open Contracting for Sustainable Recovery



Public Procurement


Digital Tools, Training and Capacity Building Programmes


As countries around the world have begun to roll out recovery programs and invest in much-needed economic redevelopment, procurement rules need updates and practitioners need guidance on how they not only can make procurement more transparent and accountable but also sustainable, meaning environmentally friendly and socially responsible procurement. Currently, most sustainable procurement initiatives take place in higher-income countries, and no comprehensive guidance on how governments can make their procurement more open, effective, and sustainable exists. Considering sustainability through life-cycle costing, for example, which considers all costs incurred during the lifetime of the product, work, or service including purchase, operating and end-of-life costs, makes public procurement more complex – posing significant challenges to developing countries.


Procurement practitioners need to diagnose, plan, and implement procurement policies, systems, and practices that lead to an open, effective, and sustainable recovery from COVID-19 and better preparedness for future crises. This practical guide targets in-country practitioners, especially from procurement agencies, ministries of finance, and sector agencies, but it will also be helpful for civil society leaders, journalists and other stakeholders working on procurement. The guide focusses on the intersection of procurement, open data, and sustainability, and it provides recommendations on policies, systems, and practices specifically for countries that are operating in a lower-capacity context with less data availability, weaker IT infrastructure, and limited human resources. The guide is complemented by (virtual) learning formats.