40 Sustainable Development Governance for Recover Forward
Sustainable Development Governance / Course for a Better Recovery Through Enhanced Capacities of Local Actors
Course for a Better Recovery Through Enhanced Capacities of Local Actors



Co-Creation and Collaboration , Localising


Training and Capacity Building Programmes


The United Nations Systems Staff College (UNSSC) is the UN system’s trusted partner for on-demand learning. It provides tailor-made programmes for UN and non-UN audiences including partner country representatives and development practitioners, taking into account their specific requirements. To accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development in cooperation with the BMZ and GIZ created a training programme for local actors and development practitioners, proactively steering a forward-oriented recovery. Representatives of local institutions, municipalities, agencies, and companies localising the 2030 Agenda will receive support to further develop innovative initiatives to recover forward. The bottom-up interactive programme creates added value and concrete opportunities for local actors, development practitioners, and policymakers to connect and share innovative approaches, good practices and lessons learnt and to build concrete initiatives on the ground. Integrated and cross-sectoral multi-actor and multilevel initiatives for sustainable development will be advanced to accelerate 2030 Agenda implementation during the pandemic recovery.


The programme is designed as an interactive online format, hand in hand with the UN-Habitat online capacity-building platform on localising, which is developed by UN-Habitat. 12 participatory online classes foster collaboration, co-creation and sharing among participants. Self-paced study periods with opportunities for reflection are combined with collaboration in working groups. The global network of SDG champions is strengthened, which makes it possible to showcase and multiply good practices.


By participating, local actors and development practitioners gain an enhanced understanding of core concepts relevant for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the local level. They will increase their connections with like-minded actors from around the globe and begin to develop concrete ideas to improve and scale their initiatives. To put those into practice, they can then draw on a step-by-step guide tailored to their needs, provided on UN-Habitat’s digital platform.